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Common Dungeon Synth Gear

Note: we are not affiliated with any company and will not benefit from any purchases you might make. This is purely informational and comprised of items we see recommended over and over again on Reddit. Most links go directly to the company’s website or to a list of similar items on Reverb.

Keyboards & Synths


There is no ‘best DAW’ for Dungeon Synth. There is only what works best for you.

VSTs & Software Instruments

This will cover free VSTs to help get you started. There are thousands more out there, especially if you’re willing to spend a little money.

Tape Simulation

One question that gets asked all the time: how do I make my song sound like it’s on tape? Here are some virtual solutions that the community uses. If you want something more authentic you can always record your music to a cassette!

Example of a Basic Setup

This is what I (Wooden Vessels) use to make Dungeon Synth: